Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do you know something about of cultural patrimony?

If you know some news about cultural patrimony of Chile, you must visit the website of the Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales (CMN): http://www.monumentos.cl/. There you can find update information about the landmarks that have been declared as monuments. This websites present several links with important information: “Who we are?” where you can know the vision and mission of the CMN, the history of this institution and its organization: The function of the CMN is… “To practice the protection and tutelage of the cultural and natural patrimony that have monumental characteristics, watching for its identification, official protection, supervision and conservation, promoting its contribution to the identity and human development” Also you can use the searching link of monuments. There you introduce the data of your interest (region, province and kind of monument: historic, archaeological, typical place or sanctuary of nature), and the website show you a list with every monuments declared for this region. It’s very useful and easy! Another remarkable link is the program “SITUS, Archaeological patrimony”. With this program, each investigator can upload information about the archaeological sites that have been registered in their investigations. In this way, SITUS generate a database that can be used by any archaeologist for knowing the totality of archaeological sites of Chile. I usually visit this website because it provides important information about interesting topics related with my career. And I use the searching link of monuments to know the cultural patrimony declared in the region that interest me (II Region of Antofagasta).


  1. Hi Camila, I didn't know this website, but I think that it can be a good option to search information about our beautyful chilean patrimony. greetings =)

  2. Pretty interesting Tita!
    I just have a question... you said that at SITUS researcher can upload archaeological info... but, do they need a password to access to the intranet of the website?, what do you reckon? I doubt it has any free access, that could be very risky in terms of data management...

    Hey, another question... I'm totally unplugged so it worth to ask you: after the massive earthquake, how was CMN response? how did they do?

    Well, catcha later :)

  3. eeeexcellent question! hahahaha

    The SITUS program was start recently, so… it still operates in no official way. Indeed, the CMN need younger archaeologists -students in practice or archaeologists recently graduates- for to organize the information that the investigators upload to the program. I guess that when SITUS start officially, it will submit a registration form to each investigator.

    With regard to earthquake, the CMN took emergency measures to avoid major damage at the main towns which saw affected your cultural patrimony (Lolol city for example). Institutional resources were invested in housing materials to cover the typical areas and the historic monuments damaged. Later, started the realization of emergency works to save 32 national monuments located in Valparaíso, Santiago, Rancagua, El Maule, Biobío and La Araucanía regions. The objective of this was to assure the integrity of the constructions while it wait the definitive restoration. "73% of the work is finished, 23% of the works are carrying out and 4% of the works will start soon". At the same time, the CMN struggled to obtain private funds to restore damaged monuments. Like this, the Cerro Colorado mining assumed the restoration of the Prat’s house in Ninhue; the El Teniente division of Codelco funded the restoration of the La Merced Church of Rancagua; the Barrick mining company is contributing to the reconstruction of the typical place of Vichuquén… Finally, the vision of the CMN after of the catastrophe is the importance of thinking about the cultural patrimony and about the topics of the preservation of monuments…

    Kisses! and thank you for write in my blog :)

  4. Thanks for the update Tita!

    Do you plan to join SITUS endeavour?

    It looks like CMN was pretty busy addressing the restorations process, I bet they still are!!
    Glad to know that corporate actors participated actively of this process... just wondering if they did so through their CSR or through 'Ley de Donaciones Culturales'. If they choose the forme, good on them!!, but if they choose the last, shame!!! that means they got to pay less taxes which is bad for the country...

    Anyway, in a different matter I want to shre a blog with you.
    Check it out:
    Easy to read, and plenty of tips that might be helpful in improving your English skills

    If you want to exercise, you need no longer a book!:


  5. Although you made some minor mistakes that can be solved easily. excellent Camila!!
