Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The technological objetc I'd like

The technological piece that I would like obtain is a camera. I hope can buy it on next month, when I receive my salary. Furthermore I would use this piece not only in my spare time, but also as a working tool. In general I would use the camera to photograph social situations like celebrations, meeting friends, landscapes and events (for example concerts, spectacles or social marches). At the work, the camera would helps me to photograph the artifacts that it found in excavations or in surface, or also the landscape that gives contextual information.

Probably I would use the camera frequently, because I'd carry it everywhere.

I believe that through photography is possible to save important moments for the future. In addition, trough the photos can share these moments with others. In this sense, the photographs function as a memory device that immortalize moments considered as important or beautiful.

So far I survived without having a camera, but I think it is time to buy one. Especially because my memory is terrible! Having a camera, I would like to take a photography course to learn how to take good pictures and share them with other people as well.



  1. You are very copycat! je!
    I love to have an own camera to accompany me at all times!


  2. Buy the latest camera with 15 pixels because they are very clear and natural indeed!!

  3. i think something.

    make pictures is similar to archeologycal labor.
    both thinks tray to the inmortalize the past.
    or not?

    see you later.
    kiss for you

  4. Cami, you have become a consumer. (:
