When I talked with the Master in black magic, she said me if I had seen a black cat in my house during the last night… And I said “Yes! Last night, before to go to sleep, I saw a cat black on my window, which looked me attentively and mysteriously. But that didn't matter to me and I went to sleep”. “That is!” exclaimed the Master at the other side of telephone. “This cat was one of the spirits that you invoked in the past. It’s been waiting for ten years for leave this land and it went to your home for asked you a transfer to the other dimension… the spiritual dimension. Probably the black cat hypnotized to you for making a spiritualism session because in this way the spirit could get out from this land”.

In this moment I understood everything: The headache, my clothes in the floor, the mess in my bedroom, the smell of candles and incenses…
I was feeling terrible for all spirits that one time I invoked, so I decided make the last spiritualism session of my life. "I should make this", I thought. So, I collected all the stuffs for make the session: candles, incense, soft light, a table and a chair. I focused on my powers and I started to invoke the spirits who been caught in this dimension. They came to me and I said a magical phrase… And at the finish of session I felt a great relief and a fresh air entered by the window and my entire bedroom it was illuminated. Finally I was free, and also the spirits…
P. S.: My imagination is too poor in this moment... Sorry!
I think that your imagination is not poor! Don’t do that at home! :p hahaha
ReplyDeleteSee you :)
Cami, why did not you practicing the art of spiritualism?. I think it is a gift of nature
ReplyDeleteI like you wrote a story so fictional, in wich you're a kind of witch...Unless you're actually a black arts practicing D:
ReplyDeleteI would never practice black magic!! It is too scary for me. I really don't like this kind of things.